Back to School Prayers

Now that school is back in session, we don’t have as much time with our children. But we can join them in spirit through our prayers. Here are a few prayer suggestions for when your children head out to school.

Dear God,

Bless my little preschooler.  She seems so tiny. Why, that backpack seems as big as she is.  Help her to feel loved and not miss Mommy and Daddy too much.  I hope she tells them that she doesn’t like ice in her snack drink or that she only likes to lay on her pink towel with her head on the flower end.


Dear God,

Bless my kindergartner.   He is so confident and self-assured.  He can’t wait to get to “school” every day.  Prepare him academically for first grade.  Most of all continue to prepare him for life.  May each one of his teachers share some aspect of your love with him in a way that will last a lifetime.


Dear God,

I can’t believe he’s in first grade.  Why was it so hard to watch him walk up those steps and into that great, big building?  Will he ever be able to find his way around?  I don’t think anyone saw me get the tissue box from under the seat.  First grade separation anxiety is really painful, especially for me!


Dear God,

.Junior high starts today.  I guess you know that.  Why did she think that she had to wear makeup? She’s so beautiful and sweet and pure just the way You made her.  Give me the wisdom to know how to guide her.  She doesn’t seem to think I know much these days.  Protect her.


Dear God,

High school is so big.  He drives himself to school these days.  I liked it better when I could sit in the car and watch him walk safely into the building.  His classes are getting harder.  He really likes math.  And computer.  Guide him as he deigns to focus his studies in certain areas.  College will be coming up so soon.  Open doors of opportunity for him to walk through.


Dear God,

That first day when I watched him walk into elementary school, it seemed like college was a long way off.  And now he is at college.  There were so many things that I wanted to say to him after we unloaded the car.  But every word caught in my throat.  Why couldn’t I at least say goodbye?  And I kissed him so fast.  I just didn’t trust my emotions, though.  I knew if I blubbered in front of his roommates he would be embarrassed.

Keep him safe, God.  There is so much more freedom now that he is living away from home.  He may meet his life’s partner in this college campus.  Lord, I have prayed so long for her.  Bless him, God, as he prepares for a life’s vocation.  More than the vocation, bless him with a burning desire to serve You in all he does.  You are so faithful.  And we love you..