Romans 12:18 “If it is possible as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”
If we are true to that verse, we cannot be selective in practicing it. Neither can we limit ourselves to equipping others through our Personality Training seminars. We must be available to train people in the church, workplace, educational arenas, and more.
While I was judging a literary meet at a local school, one of the administrators stopped by to chat. She mentioned a problem in one of the classrooms.
“You know what you need?” I asked.
Surprised by the promise of help, she responded, “No what?”
“Your teachers need the Personality Training. If they understood some of the basics of how their students think, they could help them learn more effectively.”
A week later I received an invitation to be the guest speaker on the subject of the Personalities at the next teacher inservice day.
Over 75 educators came into the room. Most chatted excitedly. A few melancholies and phlegmatics sat quietly waiting for time to begin. But the air in the room was full of expectancy.
We had a great time of learning and fun. Each time I gave a specific classroom situation to analyze, there were snickers and whispers of “I have him in my class” or “That’s exactly the way she does her assignments.”
Since that time I have been asked to come back to that school and teach the same thing to the entire senior class!
Not too long ago I received a phone call from the Director of my church’s Newlywed Sunday School class.
“Could you teach the Personalities to our class in November? I think it would be such a blessing for them to have this information as they start out together.”
Hmmm. Hadn’t thought about teaching Personalities in Sunday School but why not? What a sensible use of our time in God’s house understanding how He made us and how we can best “live at peace with everyone.”
These were wonderful Sunday mornings with fifteen-twenty precious couples. Grins were exchanged, eyes rolled, and elbows constantly poked spouses’ ribs as these newlyweds confirmed how God had brought them to complement and complete each other.
An email from one of the school administrators recently said, “Since you left, there is a sweet buzz around campus about our personalities and how we can minister to each other and our students.”
Isn’t that what we should be doing no matter where we teach the Personalities? We should equip others to create a happy buzz of loving and understanding those around them so they can, as much as it is up to them, live at peace.